Fling it or Face it?

There are days I wish I could send people an invoice for wasting my time—but would that be “nice?” …(thanks, Mom, for raising me constantly to be considerate, those days are over).  For years, I leaned too far into being polite, biting my tongue, smoothing things over, and giving people the benefit of the doubt. Lately, however, as life keeps wringing out wisdom from me, I find myself gently shifting. I’m learning to be with people who fit my future, not my history.

The days of tolerating bad behavior for the sake of peace are over. Passive-aggressive digs, manipulation, and sweeping crap under the rug to act like nothing happened? Not on my watch. If someone’s disrespect is loud, their apology must match the volume—or don’t bother. I’m done cleaning up messes I didn’t make.

Let’s be honest—people who fling their shit instead of facing it are just avoiding the emotional turbulence inside them. It’s easier to lash out or project than to sit with discomfort and reflect on what needs healing. Owning your actions, mistakes, and mess takes courage that most aren’t ready to muster. But I’m done being the one who carries the weight of other people’s unresolved chaos.

I’ve come to peace with being alone, and I’m no longer chasing approval or understanding from people who don’t get me. I don’t owe anyone an explanation or apology for how I live. These folks can pound sand—I’m here to live by my terms and rules.

I have owned my chaos and storm and now choose peace, authenticity, and truth. And most importantly, I prefer those who take ownership of their actions.

This is my manifesto—raw, real, and right now.

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