Toilet Paper Truth

How will each of us conduct ourselves in moments of crisis?

With something, more than worry, I hope.

With something, more than hoarding toilet paper, I hope.

With something more than holing oneself self up in your house, I hope.

A crisis can be an opportunity to create something new.  A chance to personally grow and reflect on what has been working and  not working in your life.  Instead of sulking through more news updates, watching the stock market get clobbered or uploading another movie on Netflix – I have decided to go learn something new.


Well, the world is changing, and it will need all of us to contribute. In a week or a month, or a year from now.  How will you look back at this time in your life?

Will you have used your opportunity to contribute and play your part in this new reorganized world we are existing within?

Or will you have only enjoyed your stockpile of toilet paper and overabundance of hand sanitizer?

Yes, be wise where you go.  Yes, be informed.  Yes, be vigilant and encourage your elders to stay safe and inside.  But let’s not stop there.  Let’s be generous.  Love those around us.  Be a survivor.  If you are safe, then you have an opportunity to help.  To connect.  To care.  To create.

We all have choices. 

I do not want to just isolate myself and merely endure the crisis.  I am going to make a choice within the context of my life and create something new.

The paradox of pandemonium is that its a reminder that life is far more fragile than we think about daily.  Its a lesson that the systems we rely so heavily upon can be easily upended.  The world as we know has been altered.  It needs you now to be ready and give your meaningful contribution.  Stay tuned to my next course of action.

In the meantime, do not waste your own toilet paper moment of truth.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.


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