Loony Love

Is a contradiction,

An ability of being human.


The work of true love

Is never conflict-free.


Flawed and full of fears,

Foolish conduct occurs

With attempts to lather in lotion.


Yet a unique bond forms

With a protective role,

Despite the stubbornness and

Creases within a fatigued face.


Activating a highly difficult balance

And delicate dance

Between a version of loony and lofty love.


No normal patterns,

As we twirl to our tune of Loony Love, daily.


Learning to love can be demanding.

Frustration occurs.

Annoying habits, hard to ignore.

Finding a friend for life, eventually follows.


Truth is, loving can create acceptance.

An exposure,

Re-examining the view of self-love,

An improvement involving the singular versus the shared.


Loony Love is a gamble.

Desired outcome, unpredictable.


Two flawed individuals, injured and misplaced.

Finding hope in common and contrasting storylines.


Delving into complexities,

Negotiating differences intelligently,

Teaching and finding the best version of each other,

A lifetime project of betterment.


Loony Love is not for the feeble of heart.

It challenges our core.

Igniting emotions, aggravating and possibly annoying.

Enduring our own and our partner’s weaknesses,


Building better behaviors.

Fewer blame games.

Dissolving sullenly silent times.

Each taking responsibility for missteps.


Disengagement is dangerous.

Going bonkers is typical.

Putting the puzzle pieces back, together.

Building better behaviors.


Yes, this is Loony Love.


A spinning of two hearts.

Tired and twisted.

Often times, out of control.

Waiting and wanting to be wooed.


Similar to spun sugar,

Delicate to touch,

Delicious to taste,

Easy to scald.

Crafting a stunning web of glossy saccharine strands,

Yet, taking years of practice and perseverance to master.


Celebrate crazy.

Complex layer by layer,

Succumb to madness.

There is no normal in love.


Discovering splendor in calamity,

Cultivating chaos and control,


In everyday life.

Always together,

Despite the drama.

Tilting toward antipathy, then tipping back to empathy,


I feel saner and happier

By reexamining my very view of love.

Realizing the real work of love is not in the falling,

But in what comes after,


Love is in the little things.


Unless it’s mad, passionate and extraordinary,

With mutual weirdness, it’s a waste of your time.

There must be, must be Loony Love

For it to be long-lasting.


© February 2017 Shannon Hogan Cohen

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